Tuesday 30 November 2010


Ever had that longing to get away from it all? Ever had that feeling that it's been an age since you last laughed your head off? Well I have, so I decided to start a new blogsite to collect together all the things that make me laugh.

As with all my blogsites, I have no idea what it's going to lead or what will end up being included, but I hope you will enjoy reading.

I also hope you will help me find new things to include, but I won't be including adult humour simply because I don't want to exclude children from reading this.

The reason for the title of this blog is simple... I have had a run in with mental illness and one of the things that has helped me overcome those problems has been my sense of humour. It's not well known, nor generally expected for people with mental health problems to have a sense of humour but they/we do. Admittedly it's difficult to access sometimes but it is there somewhere.

Most of all I want to develop humour from the mentally ill themselves, so please message me with your jokes, and amusing anecdotes. You will be credited for your contribution under any name you wish, but I reserve the right not to include items which I think might offend. 

One of my golden rules in life is never trust anyone who does not laugh at themselves. I have so much material to laugh at myself about it's difficult to know where to begin. People who only laugh at others, but never themselves in my opinion forfeit the right to laugh at others.

Enough waffle, time to begin... now what will be my first 'theme'?

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